‘Sup, my homeslice?
A Swinging Hi!
Good Day to You!
It’s Just Me Saying Hi!
Hey, What’s Up?
Yo man, where were you?
What’s Going On?
Top of the mornin’ to ya!
How have you been?
Just Wanted To Say Hello To You.
Hi homey! How’s life treating you?
What’s the good word?
How’s it going?
Hey mistaa, how do you do?
Look who it is!
At least, we meet for the first time for the last time!
You know who this is.
Hey Einstein, still cracking the old theory?
‘Sup, homeslice?
‘Ello, mate.
Let Me Just Greet You Hi…
Oh, yoooouhoooo!
Hey bud! Mind if we catch up? I saw you like eons ago.
A Groovy Hello!
Just Dropping By To Say Hi!
My Hope for You.
What’s Up At Your End?
What have you been up to?
Hi, lost buddy! Long time no see!
Greetings and salutations!
How are you feeling today?
What’s smokin’? Tell your pal everything!
Well, Hi There!
I’m So Happy To Say Hi To You…
Oh No, Look Who It Is!
Hey friend! What’s the latest buzz in your world?
A Li’l Note Of Hi!
Oh, Look Out!
Hey you!
How you doin’?
Howdy, miss.
Why, hello there!
Hey, boo.
Wassup With Ya?
What’s up with you, old soul? Wanna chat?
It’s Only Me!
A Small Hi To Start A Big Day.
Hello from above our magnificent planet Earth.”
What’s cookin’, good lookin’?
Here I Come!
Hi, cutie pie, sugar bun!
Look what the cat dragged in!
A Thought And A Smile.
I Just Came By To Say Hello!
A Long Distance Hello!
A Big Hippo Size ‘Hi’!
Just Wiggling By To Say Hello…
What’s crackin’?
Hey homey! Welcome!
Hi, honeybunch!
Hey, howdy, hi! How is it going?
Howdy-doody! Tell me what’s new!
Ahoy, matey!
Howdy, partner!
I am Batman. Who are you, gorgeous?
Hola paapi!
Morning! So good to see ya, good looking!
Hey, hiiii. How is your weekend going? Mine just got better.
Bro, hey, how are you doing?
How’s my favorite person?
Hey kitkat !
Gidday, don’t be a stranger?
Good morning. I like your face.
And here’s my personal favorite!
Hi there! Just felt like sharing a smile with you today.
Hola! Just thought I’d try multi-tasking by practicing my Spanish and saying hi to you at the same time.
Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way today.
Sending you a warm hi & wishing your day is a happy one.
Hello! You’ve been on my mind a lot lately.
Hey! I just came across an old photo of us, and it got me thinking about how much fun we always have together..
Hola, Let’s talk soon.
Howz Life?
Hello, who’s there, I’m talking.
How long has it been?
Just wanted to send you a little message to say hello
There is my pumpkin.
Hey Dude!
Just saying hi, I hope that all is going well.
Pleasant morning/afternoon/evening.
I hope this text finds you well.
Hey it’s me hope all is well at your end.
What’s roasting, little poulet?
YOOO! Slayers, Waddup?
Hey There, Fresher!
Good Dawning my lady!
Howdy-doody! Bring me up to date!
Wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you!
Hi, I saw this and immediately thought of you 🙂 How’ve you been?
Hi, I saw this and immediately thought of you 🙂
How’ve you been?
No need to respond, but just wanted to say hey!
Hey, just wanted to hear more about what’s been going on.
Heyyyy! What’s something you’re looking forward to today?
Hola…Tell me something funny that happened to you today!
Hi…I wanted to see how I could help.
I’ve been missing you and wanted to say hi.
I’d love to catch up on what you’ve been doing!
Hello! I wanted to see if everything is OK.
You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi…Sending you positive vibes.
What are you up to? I am just checking in with my favorite friend!
It is a pleasure to listen to you. I know you have a lot on your mind. What is on your mind?
Just a quick reminder that you’re loved.
Hey. How are you? Just checking you, though. Have a splendid day.
Just checking on you, how’s it been? Let’s have a few beers! Cheers!